Saturday, April 29, 2006

Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

I am so completely wiped! I had a day out with my friends today and even though I wasn't looking forward to it, I ended up having a really great day.

We went to Hyde Park and had a picnic. While I wouldn't say it was exactly picnic weather (it was bloody freezing!), we still had fun. And the sun popped out from behind the clouds enough to give me a bit of sunburn on my face and chest.

We also hired a rowing boat and went out on the Serpentine. So. Much. Fun! I don't think the Oxford boating team will be calling for my skills anytime soon, but I had a brilliant time. We decided that while I had the power, Yvonne had the technique. When we were rowing together, we kept going in circles because I was rowing stronger than her! But when rowing individually, it was evident that I was pretty crap at it, while Yvonne managed to succesfully take us back to mooring without crashing! Evonne, sensibly, decided to abstain from the actual rowing part, and attempted to be our cox. Unsuccesfully. Really, so much fun!

Then we walked a lot, stopping off at the memorial fountain for The Princess of Wales (nice, but way more hassle than it's worth) and watching Yvonne attempt to roller blade (neither Evonne or I have roller blades). Then we headed back to Yvonne's to watch Dr Who, which I wasn't impressed with, I gotta say.

I just got home and I'm shattered. It's been a very long but enjoyable day. I'm now probably going to go watch and episode of Gilmore Girls before crashing.


Simon said...

Rowing! I've always wanted to have a go at that.

Note I am very carefully avoiding making any jokes about the word "cox".

CosmicAvatar said...

Rowing is bloody hard work as I remember, so well done for...I was going to say, "having a powerful stroke", but that's almost as bad as what I'm betting Simon was thinking about the word "cox". *snigger*