Monday, April 03, 2006

Top Ten Songs

I've been thinking about my top ten favourite songs. Whenever I get asked something like that, I usually wuss out and say that I couldn't possibly choose. But I think I'm just being lazy. I have a group of songs that are perennial favourites and I never get bored of them. Songs that, whenever they come on, make me stop and listen. So I decided to try and make a list. Surpisingly, seven of them came easily, with very little thought. The other three are still very much favourites, but there may be others that would be more favourite. And yes, my music tastes change, but it's still a pretty definative list for, I'd say, the past three or four years, at least.

(In no particular order)

Hallelujiah - Jeff Buckley
At My Most Beautiful - REM
Call & Answer - Barenaked Ladies
One True Love - Semisonic
If I Had a Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies
With or Without You - U2
Somewhere In My Heart - Aztec Camera
Stand - REM
Improv - JJ72
Pachelbel's Canon - Johann Pachelbel

I'm not really sure what this list says about me. When I was first thinking of it, the first few songs seemed to scream SAP! But they're not all sappy. Some are bouncy, some are sappy, some are downright depressing.

Although, I did notice one thing. There's a glaring ommission. Everybody Hurts by REM is no longer on the list. For years, I couldn't listen to that song without crying. I found it incredibly sad, but uplifting at the same time. Now though, I feel nothing when I hear it. If I make myself stop and listen to it properly, I can get a bit teared up, but it doesn't stop me in my tracks like it used to. Except when they played it live, but that was a totally different situation.

Anyway. I found this little exercise interesting. Not to mention a good way to procrastinate when I should be studying for my (last!) exam. But I'm not sure if this will give any of you more of an insight into me or not.


CosmicAvatar said...

I think I've only heard four of those...

Mindi Scott said...

If I Had a Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies

Jim Valenti's band did a cover of this song in season 3! [/Roswell geek]

I've always had a particular fondness for U2's "One."

Dogeared said...

Pachelbel's Canon always make sme think of Vicky, my old housemate/landlady,who loved it. I think one too many performances of it in school orchestra has dampened my liking of it ;-)

Yonners said...

Good list! I am thinking of starting one but it would take me a very long time. Call and Answer, With or Without You, and Stand are ones I would consider too. I first fell in love with Pachelbel's Canon when I heard it played on TV by a high school band in an episode of Roseanne when Darlene read her poem. Odd eh?