These are a few of my favourite things: snow, grass, sunflowers, my nephews, texting, red wine, Italian food, Christmas, sunshine, The Barenaked Ladies, musicals, shoes, Glasgow, Jane Austen novels, the smell of Flash, sleeping in freshly laundered bedding, thunderstorms, going to the cinema, Starbucks, Geeke Trippes, upgrading my mobile phone, getting new emails, takeaway and a movie, thick carpet, passing exams, Amazon, getting paid, walking around in my bare feet, visiting my family, getting snail mail, my iPod, buying things for my new house (before I have to actually pay it off!), presents, yoga, waking up in the middle of the night and realising you can go back to sleep for another few hours, house parties, chocolate, sleeping in, Savlon, dogs, Cranium, new haircuts, coconut body butter, Harry Potter, champagne, my glasses, long hot baths, raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens!
Nice flat! Is it feeling like yours, yet?
Dude! I LOVE your kitchen! When can I come cook for you? :-)
Lovely photos! You all look very pretty, and the flat looks great!
Everything looks so lovely!
That looks great! You must be so happy with it.
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