Friday, June 30, 2006

Going Grey

I blame Jazz and Amanda for talking about this recently.

I just found my first grey hair!

While I'm not bothered about it, I am a bit flabbergasted since I'm only 25.


Amanda said...

I had to start highlighting my hair two years ago because my Dad noticed how much gray was in my hair. I always thought I would go "gracefully" but I'm firmly on the "denial and hide" track.

Jess said...

I've had grey hairs, too, starting when I was 23 or so. Of course, I recently bleached the crap out of my hair so you can't tell, but they're in there.

Anonymous said...

I am also firmly in the denial and concealment club. I'm getting highlights tomorrow to try and hide the buggers.

Amy said...

Oh, it's okay. My friend Jennifer found my first gray hair when I was 16. I started going gray in earnest when I was about 19. It's to the point now where I can't really keep up with plucking. I've never wanted to dye my hair, and I am twenty-freaking-two!!

Sorry. This probably should have been on my own blog.

CosmicAvatar said...

That's right, blame us. [tongue]

I'm pretty sure I've had one white hair lurking around for several years - it's only now that it's started in earnest. Panic not!

Dogeared said...

I've had a few hairs, but they weren't grey, so much as kind of blonde (looked half transparent). Pulled 'em, moved on. I think men can go grey and it look good (in our office, one guy around 40 is grey and looks HOT, and one guy who just left was salt and pepper hair, and that looked cool). Women going grey early... doesn't have the same appeal I guess.

I'd dye too, I think.

Yonners said...

I started going silver in grade nine. It's not so bad. I keep on meaning to dye my hair, but it's so messy and I couldn't knit at the same time so. It could be school. God knows what exams do to us. Bloody exams. (I'm still not ready to go back)

Simon said...

I found my first one three years ago. Don't worry about it - it makes them come faster! ;)

jenn said...

Yeah, I also have had silvers here and there FOREVER.

Although Leone and I are lucky because based on our mom, we'll have awesome silvery-platimum hair when we decide to stop colouring. She gets stopped on the street. I didn't believe her, quite, at first - but I've been there for three or four of the stoppings now.

Meghan said...

You just have to train the gray hairs to grow in a shock, like Rogue.

That would be awesome.

That said, 25 was about when I found my first gray hair. I've only found a couple since, and I'm now 32. So, rest easy... one hair means nothing.

Anonymous said...

I was just looking for other girls that started going gray early. I'm 23 and just saw 2 in my hair.. this morning. Shock...

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, this blog and all these comments made me feel better. I saw a grey hair in the mirror a few minutes ago and started freaking out. I'm 15! By the sounds of it, though, I shouldn't be worried.
