Thursday, August 03, 2006

Why Do You Build Me Up?

My mum and oldest sister are coming to visit me in December. The main purpose of the trip is for them to get a bit of Christmas shopping done and for me to treat them to a West End show, Wicked. It's been organised for a while and they booked their flights months ago.

I mentioned it to my other sister last week when I was getting ready to book the theatre tickets, on the off-chance that wanted to come. She was really excited about it. It'd be a weekend away from the kids, which she's never had since Kieran was born. She just had to make sure that Graeme could get the time off work to watch the boys, but that wouldn't be a problem. And it wasn't.

But I got an email from her today saying that she can't get the time off! She hadn't even considered that!

Boo! I'm really, really disappointed. Once the idea took root in my brain, I started to get really excited about it, a weekend with just my mum and her girls*. Finding out it wouldn't be happening threw me in a way even I didn't expect. I was really quite down about it for a few hours after I got the email.

I've spoken to my sister since, and we've come up with a couple of different options, included her trying to convince someone at work to swap holidays with her, so it's not compeletely hopeless. And even if she can't come down, I'll still have my mum and my other sister, which will be great! But how much better would it be if it were the four of us? So, please keep your fingers crossed that she can get the swap?

* I did also mention it to my dad, but his reaction was:
"A shopping weekend in London with four women, even if it is my wife and daughters? No thanks!"


Laurie said...

Ooh! Fingers crossed, Buttercup!

CosmicAvatar said...

*crosses fingers*

Amanda said...

It will be so much better with her there! *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

I soooo wish that I were your sister right now and that you, your mum and "3" other sisters were going to see Wicked. We have a lot in common...perhaps your mum can adopt me? Then I'd have a mom/mum again!! [grin]

Seriously, I hope your other sister can make it. Times together like that are so fun and as you get older...fairly rare.


Lorelei said...

Sending instant karma now!

Dogeared said...

I love your Dad's reply!

I hope you can all make it, that would be a lovely Christmas present for you all!

Simon said...

The Fingers are Crossed.

Anonymous said...

Your dad is a funny man.

I've just spotted your flickr link and have been happily perusing for the last 20 minutes. You have great photos of people's bottoms!