Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Car Accident

My sister and nephews were in a car accident last night. Barring a broken arm for Kieran though, they're all ok. Mostly shaken.

Katie was driving home last night and was about to turn into the road to her village. There was a 36 tonne lorry coming in the opposite direction, but she saw indicators so thought he was also turning into the same road. She started turning since she was closest and the lorry would be slowing down, but it turns out the lorry was actually going straight ahead, so it ploughed into the passenger side of the car at 30mph, pushing it halfway along the road before it stopped. The driver of the lorry (who is also ok) said he hadn't indicated, so I'm not sure what happened. It was raining heavily though, and it's possible Katie saw a reflection from another car or something and mistook it for an indicator.

There was no passenger sitting in the front, so Kieran got the worst of it because he was on that side in the back seat, but luckily no worse than his arm because he was in his child seat.

The car is a complete write off, and I'm so glad that they all came away relatively unscathed. I haven't told anyone at work yet because I'm worried I'll get upset as soon as I mention it. Whenever I think about how close they came....

Anyway, they all got home from the hospital last night. They were going to keep Kieran in overnight because he was very quiet and withdrawn at first, but he brightened up after a couple of hours, so let everyone go home. We now just have to convince him that having a cast is the coolest thing in the world, because he's not to pleased about it at the moment!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, that's terrible!

I'm so glad that everyone is okay, except for poor Kieran's arm. What a relief that nothing worse happened, and thank goodness the lorry wasn't going any faster.

Maybe now is the time to buy Kieran a new pack of felt tips/stamper pens for some cast decoration? :)

Jess said...

I'm so glad they were OK!

Mindi Scott said...

Poor Kieran! And what a scary thing to have happen to them all! I'm glad they are going to be okay.

Amy said...

That's awful! I'm sorry that Kieran got hurt, though I'm glad to hear that nothing more serious happened. I hope he feels better soon.

Amanda said...

I'm so glad they're okay! It sounds like it could have been so much worse.

Anonymous said...

Oh, darling! I am so glad everyone is OK.

Dogeared said...

I'm so glad everyone is OK, and it was only Kieran's arm that was hurt.

Time for cast decoration! Did he get one of those coloured outer cast wrappings?

Anonymous said...

Oh, how horrible for you all! I am so glad it wasn't worse! Hopefully once everyone starts decorating his cast with cool stuff, Kieran will think it's not such a bad thing. [bigsquishyhugs]

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Thank God everyone was alright!

Did Kieran get to pick out the color of his cast? When Foster broke his arm a few years back, he had bright blue and I saw a kid this week with a neon pink cast. I know for Foster getting to pick a "color" helped make things "better" for him. Kids are so resilient!

CosmicAvatar said...

Yikes. Poor Kieran. Glad that's the worst that happened.

Jim said...

That's horrible! I'm so glad everyone is okay.

Simon said...

My God. I'm so glad that everyone's OK.

Katy said...

I am so glad to hear everyone is okay.


Lorelei said...

Oh my goodness. I just saw this now. I'm very glad that everyone is more or less okay. Poor Kieran.


jenn said...

Oh my - I'm so very very sorry to hear this. But I'm sure you will be able to get some good felt pens to make the cast seem better.
