Thursday, March 09, 2006

I crack myself up sometimes

I have a study day today and I woke up at half past one. In my extremely stressed out state at the moment, I nearly had a fit.

"Oh my god! How could I have slept in so late? I set two alarms! How did I sleep through them both? Oh my god, I'm so going to fail my exams! How the hell did this happen?!"

After cursing that I couldn't get the huge mug of coffee I wanted to wake myself up (I've given it up for Lent) and getting dressed, I went into the spare room to start studying. It was at this point that I noticed things were quite dark. Darker than I would have expected for early afternoon. I tweaked the curtains and had a look outside. Absolutely dead.

It was 1.30AM!


Jess said...

Oh dear. You know you're cracking up when your life turns into the plot of a sitcom ;).

Dogeared said...

I've gotten cofused about time before, but never to that extent!

Hee, it's good you found it funny though!

Meghan said...

That entry just gave me mad flashbacks to horrible Japan jetlag.


CosmicAvatar said...

That's a good one...